Tuesday, May 09, 2006


This week I'm just breathing a big sigh of relief and enjoying hanging out with friends. I'm so grateful for friends, for having moved to this new place nine months ago and now to have people here that we'll miss when we go home in a couple weeks. It's so nice to just spend time with people for these few days and for none of us to have much we have to be doing or worrying about. Everyone's outside all the time, having barbecues and picnics, playing frisbee and taking their kids to the playground next to our apartment.

I think May is my favorite month, because during college and now it's associated with school ending, plus it's the perfect blend of cool mornings and evenings with warm days. There's that spring scent on the air, blossoms are coming out and then falling and blowing around, looking like pink and purple snow. It seems to be the celebration month where we know we're really out of the winter now and we can relax and enjoy the new hope that comes with warmth and new life.

And on top of that, I'm free of school work and I have several days to relax before I have anything else really planned. A bunch of our friends are around and we've had social engagements every day since school got out. It's such a great feeling to have time for people.

I guess that's mostly what I've been thinking about the last few days--just feeling joyful and grateful for space and friendships and spring.


Chris M. said...

Oh yes, New Jersey in the springtime: Mmmmm... Are the magnolias at the U. still in bloom? Probably a bit late in the spring for them. They are just amazing.

Unknown said...

Ah, the magnolias were amazing, but they're all leaves now. Much nicer than brown, but yes, wow, when they were blooming it was so beautiful!