I am thrilled to see that the plenary meeting of Friends World Committee for Consultation last month put out a minute called "Living Sustainably and Sustaining Life on Earth." They explain why this is important at this point in time, and give a few suggestions of how yearly meetings, meetings, and individual Friends can get involved.
I wanted to share what our meeting is doing. At North Valley Friends in Oregon, we're starting in on a two-year certification program through GreenFaith, an interfaith organization that helps communities of faith green their buildings, incorporate creation care into their worship practices, host educational opportunities for their congregations and/or their towns and cities to learn about practical actions and changes they can make, and learn about and engage in environmental justice activism. Our meeting has already incorporated creation care themes in our worship and education elements, and we have a trail and a labyrinth, open to the public, that passively allows individuals to enjoy this little slice of creation, but we need some help moving beyond these actions into deeper levels of faithfulness.
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