Anyone is welcome to use these materials, though they are specifically designed for Friends in NWYM. They can be easily modified for other contexts, I'm sure.
Today is the first First-day of Peace Month, and in Western Oregon it's snowy out, which means no one leaves their homes because there is half an inch of white stuff all over the place. Therefore, my meeting and several other meetings are practicing a peaceful Sabbath of resting and enjoying time at home with our families. In many ways, this is a perfect way to start out a month focused on Sabbath rest! In other ways, I'm a little bit disappointed that the messages planned for today and the time spent listening to God about the place of Sabbath in our lives won't be heard. I trust that the message gets through, anyway.
If you're interested in learning more and/or downloading the materials for this month, go to the Peace Month website. The downloads are at the bottom of the page.
Here is a photo from our snow day:

1 comment:
nice from information, i'm very like and thank you for sharing
Obat Alami Nyeri Perut Melilit Disertai Mencret, Cara Menghilangkan Benjolan Di Bawah Dagu Sekitar Leher, Obat Sakit Ulu Hati Tembus Ke Punggung Tradisional, Cara Menyembuhkan Ginjal Bocor Secara Alami
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