Sunday, September 03, 2006


It's my last day in Oregon for a while! It's been quite a while since I've written a blog entry, and I have been doing some of the things I said I would while I wasn't blogging--went hiking several times, went up to the North Cascades for our fifth anniversary, went to the beach, hung out with F/friends and family, and hopefully did a good job at my internship. It's been a great summer.

I guess the biggest thing is that we found out we're going to be having a baby in February! We're pretty excited, although it will definitely be a huge life change. We've gotten used to being married and being able to focus a lot on each other, so being in charge of a new little life will be something to get used to. It will be an adventure!

I'm going back to school this fall, so you can expect more blogs on Quaker theological topics, I'm sure. I think I may be bored and have extra time to write because I'm taking a light class load and not working or doing an internship to take it easy since I don't know exactly what to expect being pregnant. But I'm sure I'll enjoy some more cathartic blogging and getting back into the community of Quaker bloggers. We fly back to New Jersey tomorrow (after I preach one last time over here)!


  1. Congrats on the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. One of the things I really appreciate about being a Quaker is that being a mother and a minister are not mutually exclusive.

    But it's true that your life will never be the same. Best wishes to the three of you for an easy pregnancy and a good birth. May God bless and keep you all.

  3. Yes, congratulations!! I hope the New Jersey September isn't too oppressively hot and humid for you. I do miss the October colors, though!

    -- Chris M.

  4. We're actually having beautiful mild weather here in Jersey now. Cool evenings where you get the double-joy of keeping the windows open AND snuggling up under blankets. That's great news Cherice, I hope all goes well with your new growing bundle. It seems like blogs have given us parent types the ability to stay connected even when we've been more physically tied down than we'd otherwise be.

  5. Today I heard that my Friend Jane was your roommate at the peace conference at Guilford. She's on a quarterly meeting committee with me and I was quoting something from Peggy's blog and Jane said she had been roommates with this wonderful person from NWYM named Cherice Bock. I said, "I read her blog!"

    Quakerdom is a small, small world.

  6. Thanks for the congratulations and best wishes from everyone. And I'm enjoying a pretty mild NJ September, as Chris & Martin pointed out. It's quite lovely, actually.

    Robin, send my greetings to Jane! She was a great roommate. We had fun getting to know about each other's YMs and debriefing the sessions.
