Saturday, May 20, 2006

arch street

This picture is my husband and I at Arch Street Friends Meetinghouse, wearing Quaker hats and our Quaker gray fleeces. =) Today, in case you hadn't figured it out, we visited Philadelphia and wandered along the Constitutional Trail, seeing the historic sites. It was fun just to wander and look at old buildings and get tidbits of history as we went (we mostly guided our own tour with short blurbs printed off the internet and reading signs). The best part was the tour of Arch Street Friends. It's all well and good to hear American history, but Quaker history is so much more interesting!

Anyway, I'd never been to Arch Street, so it was great to see the meetinghouse there (although our meetinghouse we currently attend is about 100 years older!). But it's a great historic meetinghouse and there were several Friends there who were very knowledgeable about Quaker history especially pertaining to Pennsylvania. I learned a few things, and it was just interesting to hear the tour as they would give it to anyone (they didn't know we were Quakers until the end), to hear how they present Quakerism and our history to all the tourists who come in daily. I think they're doing an excellent job! It's also so nice to meet new Quakers and make connections. That was definitely teh highlight of our day in Philadelphia. (Especially the Quaker hats!)

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